Comparative Analysis of Online Assessment Techniques and Their Efficacy in Knowledge Evaluation

The growing use of online learning techniques in educational settings necessitates validating effective strategies for evaluating student knowledge within technology-supported environments. Prior studies have shown preliminary findings suggesting that appropriately designed online examinations can effectively assess constructs compared to traditional assessments. Nevertheless, it is imperative to conduct more research, considering the continuous advancements in digital classrooms and evaluation technologies.

The objective of the present systematic review was to integrate the results of comparative studies that have assessed the effectiveness of online assessment methods for evaluating knowledge. The identification of studies was conducted by conducting searches in relevant data sets utilizing keywords such as “online assessment,” “comparative analysis,” and “knowledge evaluation.” The inclusion criteria of this study were centered explicitly on peer-reviewed empirical studies that directly compared the forms of online assessments. The study analysis revealed that many online assessment methods had comparable measuring qualities when constructed with meticulous attention to comparability with traditional paper tests. Further investigation is required to incorporate more varied samples across academic fields. Emerging technologies must be evaluated, such as online assessment, personalized adaptive testing using artificial intelligence, and technology-enabled authentic performance ratings. Previous research has encountered several limitations, such as using small sample numbers and the absence of an experimental design.
This evaluation examines the current evidence on promising approaches that have been supported and identifies areas that would benefit from more comparative investigation. Practical knowledge assessments on online platforms benefit from further investigation of innovative methodologies, which can increase their efficiency while preserving the security and fairness of the evaluations.